Gabriela Harris, Wesleyan

What’s up Generation Conscious fans and supporters!

My name is Gabriela Sade Harris, and I am a First-Generation Low-Income (FGLI) student at Wesleyan University. I am also the Director of the FGLI Student Advisory Board, where we serve to provide assistance and support to Wesleyan’s FGLI community. When I first got word the Wesleyan Sustainability office was funding Generation Conscious products, I was so excited and impressed around the innovation and research that must’ve gone into these low carbon hygiene products. 

I became even more impressed when Greg Genco, the CEO of Generation Conscious, personally reached out to the Wesleyan FGLI Student Advisory Board. Generation Conscious is invested in prioritizing the availability and accessibility of their products to the FGLI community across campuses. Not only this, but the implementation of Generation Conscious’ product, has created job opportunities targeted toward Wesleyan’s FGLI community. This immediately became important to the board and our mission, considering environmental injustice disproportionately affects the global low income communities the Wesleyan FGLI community calls home. Not only this, but everyday hygiene products are an expensive good for the average FGLI student, and these products funded by the University provide access to hygiene as a necessity. 

Genco’s products have been the talk of the town since its implementation into laundry facilities at Wes. The FGLI Board and Sustainability Office along with many other student groups, have been spending a lot of our time building coalitions around GenCo products on campus. The FGLI Board is working with Wesleyan’s Residential Life team to incorporate and spread awareness about GenCo resources into the 2021-2022 residential life curriculum. The FGLI Board is excited about the future of Generation Conscious, and we are honored to work with the future of eco-friendly hygiene products. 

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